In 1989, 30 years ago, Glasgow City Council suggested to a meeting of tenants at Whitlawburn housing estate in Cambuslang that they could take over ownership of their low-rise and high-rise tower blocks and become their own landlords.
After years of neglect, disrepair and a degrading social fabric the residents decided they could do a better job.
It was a risk but three decades on, the West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative has been used as an example of excellence for the co-op model in the Scottish Parliament.
This video documentary tells the tenants' story.
Shot and edited by Gianni Marini
September 2019 ©

Phil Welsh Jnr. and his mum, Sadie, residents of WWHC

Stephen Blackwood, WWHC concierge manager

Anne Anderson, chair of WWHC management committee

Muriel Alcorn, founding member of WWHC management committee

Paul Farrell, director of West Whitlawburn Housing Co-op

Lesley Riddoch, journalist

Susan Stevely, original member of WWHC management committee